Aroma Menggoda Pepes

Joaquimma Anna

Pepes Ikan Served with Fragrant Jasmine RicePepes Ikan: A Flavorful Delight

What makes Pepes Ikan stand out from other fish dishes? Apart from its captivating aroma, this West Javanese specialty boasts a myriad of flavors that dance harmoniously on your taste buds.

The combination of the aromatic spices, succulent fish, and smoky undertones from grilling or steaming creates a taste sensation unlike any other. Each bite delivers a burst of flavors that tantalizes your palate while the aroma continues to entice your senses.

The traditional spice blend used in Pepes Ikan includes galangal, turmeric, lemongrass, shallots, garlic, and various Indonesian herbs such as kemangi (lemon basil) and daun jeruk (kaffir lime leaves). This fragrant medley of spices imparts a complex and well-balanced taste to the dish, infusing it with layers of richness and depth.



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